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Medicinska fakulteten – några historiska nedslag (2017)

Medicinska fakulteten 350 år – några historiska nedslagBoken "Medicinska fakulteten 350 år - några historiska nedslag", Wistrand et al. publicerades 2017 och uppdaterades 2019. Här finns PDF-versionen av den uppdaterade boken med förord av Bo Ahrén.  Medicinska fakulteten - Några historiska nedslag Wistrand (2019).pdf Recension i Läkartidningen av boken "Medicinska fakulteten - några histori - 2025-03-15


Genom åren har flera avhandlingar försvarats av medarbetare vid Enheten för medicinens historia. Forskningsfältet spänner brett, från vetenskaps- och universitetshistoria till internationella medicinska kontakter och patientberättelser. Några pågående forskningsprojekt rör medicinskt kunskapsutbyte i Östersjöområdet under början av 1900-talet, politiska kontakter inom svensk medicin på 1930-talet - 2025-03-15


    Här kan du få tips om andra platser i vårt närområde där medicinens historia och det humanistiska i att verka inom medicinen står i centrum. Lunds universitet Birgit Rausing Centrum för Medicinsk Humaniora | Medicinska fakulteten ( Andra lärosäten Centrum för medicinsk humaniora och bioetik, Linköping Centrum för medicinsk humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, Uppsala Museum Medicinhistoriska - 2025-03-15


Ta gärna kontakt med oss om du vill skriva uppsats eller har frågor som du vill lyfta.Kontaktuppgifter till våra olika medarbetare hittar du under fliken Forskning.       Jonatan Wistrand  Jonatan WistrandVerksamhetsansvarigMobil: +46 70-3187239E-post: Jonatan [dot] Wistrand [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jonatan[dot]Wistrand[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)  Mikael Bodelsson Mikael BodelssonAvdelningschefE-pos - 2025-03-15

Anmälan om bristande tillgänglighet

Beskriv hur webbplatsen brister i tillgänglighet. Ju tydligare du kan beskriva problemet, desto större möjligheter har vi att kunna granska din anmälan. Dessutom hjälper det dem som ska åtgärda problemet. Skriv in webbadress till den sida där du hittade problemet Beskriv det som är otillgängligt för dig (obligatorisk) Beskriv hur du kommit till sidan med problemet, om du inte kunde fylla i en webb - 2025-03-15


I menyn till vänster kan du se alla titlarna på våra seminarier. Klicka dig gärna igenom titlarna för att läsa mer om vad seminarierna handlade om och vilka som gästade oss. Enheten för medicinens historia anordnar seminarier med viss regelbundenhet. Vi vill genom vår seminarieserie belysa dagsaktuella frågeställningar ur perspektiv som spänner över ämnesgränserna. Arrangemangen är alltid öppna fö - 2025-03-15


Study at the Faculty of Medicine We offer Master's programmes taught in English. Research for improved health Learn more and search for topics, researchers and publications. Upcoming dissertationsIn-house infrastructureWork for us Postgraduate research studies Interested in pursuing your PhD here? Support our research Learn how you can support medical research. Find research at Lund University Sea - 2025-03-15

Claes Lundgren and Stephan Lichtnecker

Chewing gum and smoking – the background to Nicorette ”How did you get the idea for Nicorette?” – Professor Claes Lundgren (now in the United States) responds that he had long pondered the idea of an addictive dependency on nicotine when US researcher Dr. Edward Lanphier visited him in 1968. Dr. Lanphier planned to study the research at the Aviation and Naval Medicine division of the Department of - 2025-03-15

3–4 October

Nordic network for narratives in medicine and Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities host this year’s network meeting in Lund, 3–4 October The conference will explore and discuss ranges of proximity in relation to narratives in medicine. How do modes of closeness and distance, understood on a literal as well as a metaphorical level, come to play in the understanding of suffering, illness, he - 2025-03-15

Inge Edler and Hellmuth Hertz

Their pioneering work with ultrasound in the diagnosis of diseases of the heart Department of Internal Medicine in Lund, 29 October 1953. As usual, cardiologist Inge Edler was calm on the surface, but probably rather tense internally. It's the first time he's placing a bulky ultrasound sensor on the chest of a cardiac patient. Beside him was physicist Hellmuth Hertz. He eagerly adjusted the amplif - 2025-03-15

Professor Rita Charon delivers Philip Sandblom Prize Lecture 2022

“Creativity in Life: How Literature, Art, and Music Affect Illness and Health”   When? 4 October  Where? LUX Auditorium, Helgonavägen 3, Lund How? Light (and sparkling) refreshments are served at 16.15 outside LUX Auditorium, followed by Rita Charon’s lecture until approx. 18.30. Participation is free of charge.  For whom? This is an open lecture in English. Registration Register for the event (we - 2025-03-15

Camera surveillance (CCTV)

Purpose of surveillanceLund University operates camera surveillance (CCTV)for the purposes of preventing, hindering, uncovering and deterring criminal acts within the buildings and facilities in which the University operates, and by doing so protects its staff, guests and property from criminal acts. Legal basisThe processing of personal data that takes place as a result of camera surveillance is - 2025-03-15


Exchange students within Medicine must have completed at least three years of study towards a Master in Medical Science, including at least one course in basic clinical Medicine, to be considered for the clinical courses outlined below. Students must possess basic knowledge concerning the physical examination of patients.Click on the headlines/links below to read more.Clinical placements for excha - 2025-03-15

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is taught as a three-year undergraduate programme leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy. The programme is taught in Swedish.Students from partner universities are welcome to apply to clinical placements, given with supervision in English, and a selection of theoretical courses. The courses can be taught in English upon request.Courses offered aut - 2025-03-15


At the moment there are no possibilites of accepting international students within the programme.  Contact Information Christina JeppssonEmail: christina [dot] jeppsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (christina[dot]jeppsson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)Tel: +46 (0) 46-222 71 13Coordinating exchanges within:Medicine (inbound)Sofie WallbergEmail: sofie [dot] wallberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (sofie[dot]wallbe - 2025-03-15

Public Health

Exchange students from partner universities can apply for courses from the Master's Programme in Public Health. The Master's Programme in Public Health is a two-year (four semesters) full time master programme. Very few places are available each semester, admission is not guaranteed. Only applicants with a complete Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, and proficiency in English equivalent to English B - 2025-03-15